What is our Collective Journal?


Minding the Light is a regularly published collection of stories from the lives of members and attenders of West Hills Friends, a Quaker meeting in Portland, Oregon. Among Quakers, “minding the Light” means noticing, listening for and paying heed to the voice of our Teacher.

Early Quakers kept journals about their relationships with God and shared them with the community.  For example, John Woolman’s Journal has been continually in print for more than 200 years.  By publishing stories from our community, we hope to continue the Quaker tradition of disclosing God’s activity in our lives.


Each issue is organized around a specific query about minding the Light. Our writers speak from their own experience, not going beyond the measure of Light they’ve been given. We hope these stories will transform our way of seeing God and each other and that they will bring comfort to those who seek news of God’s presence in the world.


To read the latest stories, click "This Chapter" on the banner at the top of this page, or click here.


 What do we mean by "the Light"?


“The Lord showed me, so that I did see clearly, that he did not dwell in these temples which men had commanded and set up, but in people's hearts... his people were his temple, and he dwelt in them.”

-George Fox



Contact Us



West Hills Friends
7425 SW 52nd Ave.
P.O. Box 19173
Portland OR 97219

