A good story is like a pebble dropped into a broad, clear pool: the ripples continue outward a long way beyond the first impact point, often reflecting back from the pond’s edge or a projecting rock. Sometimes our stories prompt deeper thought, a new idea, or sudden insight. Sometimes reading one author’s story brings to mind a story in the reader.
Welcome to Reflections, where you may find an author has amplified a story or an idea, or a reader has been prompted to reply, or a reader or writer has realized there was yet another story that ought to have been told.
Question for authors: What to do when you suddenly remember a story in response to a query but it’s too late for your story to be published in the print edition? Or, when you want to share important details about a story we published earlier? Or, when you have new insights about a story published earlier and want to share them with readers?
Question for readers: What to do when reading a story in Minding the Light brings a story to mind that you long to share?
Answer to both questions: Submit your stories or reflections to mindingthelight@gmail.com for possible inclusion on this page.