Publication Guidelines
We envision the Journal as a forum for sharing experiences of the Light. Thus, as a matter of editorial policy, we distinguish between a story (“this is what happened to me”) and an interpretation (“this is what my experience means”). We urge writers to keep the level of interpretation to a minimum, allowing each story to touch the reader as a work of art, rather than as a philosophical or theological argument. Creative writings other than stories are held to the same editorial policy as stories.
Stories and Other Written Responses: must be 500 words or less, and written in the first person by a member or attender of West Hills Friends. Written responses should be submitted in text format in the body of an email addressed to:
Story content should be appropriate for young Friends. Since we invite young Friends to write, it makes sense to write with them in mind as potential readers. If your story needs to be edited to conform to our guidelines, one of our editors will contact you.
Please include a title and byline with your submission. We will withhold your name at your request, or use initials, etc.
Art, photos, music, other non-written responses: Original paintings, photos, and other art can be submitted on paper or emailed in JPG format. Original music and videos should be submitted as links to safe websites such YouTube or Vimeo.
We regret that we cannot always publish everything we receive.
Regular Query for our next Chapter:
When did acting out of responsibility connect you to something deeper? Tell us about a time when a duty or obligation became a source of Light in your life.
Next Query for Young Friends (of any age):
Please be encouraged to interpret this query for young Friends or for yourself. Tell us your story in words, drawings, or other pictures.
Deadline for responses: Sunday, January 28
Miss the deadline? See our Reflections page.
Were you inspired to respond to an earlier query but missed the deadline? If so, please send us your story anyway! When we receive stories that meet all of our guidelines except the deadline, we’ll publish them on our website. Eventually we may publish a special edition with the stories on our Reflections page.
Your subscription is free if you’re a member or attender of West Hills Friends. Otherwise, subscriptions are $20 per year.
To receive Minding the Light by mail (or to have it sent to someone as a gift), send your check or money order to Minding the Light, c/o West Hills Friends, P.O. Box 19173, Portland, Oregon, 97219. Or inquire at
Donations gladly accepted.
Contributions to Minding the Light for printing and mailing costs are much appreciated. Your tax-deductible donation may be sent to:
West Hills Friends
c/o Minding the Light
P.O. Box 19173
Portland, Oregon, 97219
Checks should indicate on the memo line that the donation is for Minding the Light.